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Why Is Giving so Important?

Money can often be an uncomfortable topic for people. Maybe reading this article or seeing the title above makes you feel uneasy. You might even be asking yourself: “What does money have to do with my faith in God?” Does money really have anything to do with faith, or is it just a necessity for the church to operate?

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” 
Matthew 6:21

Based on how often the Bible talks about money, it's clear God cares very much about us having the right attitude about our finances. Generosity is often associated with money, but it’s not primarily about that. It is mainly about our hearts. It’s about putting our hope in God and being “rich in good deeds” and “generous and willing to share” all the time. We believe God cares about our attitude towards money rather than how much of it we have. Furthermore, our heart towards money is reflected in what we do with it.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Giving to the church allows us to demonstrate that our relationship with Jesus is more important to us than material things. God wants us to be generous with one another just as he was and is generous to us. A willingness to give shows that we’re dependent on him. While not easy, especially when money is tight, good stewardship takes good discipline and is a step toward obedience. 

The church is God’s primary way to care for people and to bring the gospel to the world. As we grow in our ability and willingness to give, God uses those gifts to bless others and ourselves simultaneously. Ready to learn more about giving or want to take that next step of obedience by giving today? Click here to get started.

*We are a church located in Greenville, South Carolina. Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus.*

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